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SCN Webinar: Human Connection as a Treatment for Addiction
By Dr Andi Clements
1. People are created biologically, psychologically, and spiritually to be in connection with other people
2. Early adversity including abuse and neglect can lead to later addiction
3. Human connection can lead to reduction in problematic substance use through biological, psychological, and spiritual healing.
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
SCN Webinar: Essential Emotional Intelligence Skills for Self Care
Webinar presentation by Marek Rudak
Objectives: You will learn how to:
1. Trace your emotions to our brain biology
2. Use emotions as a source of information.
3. Break behavior patterns that don't serve you.
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
God Gave Us Life AND Emotions - An Interfaith Dialogue
by Sara Ali, LPC from Sacred Minds Counseling
1. How does Islam approach and conceptualize mental health?
2. What are the examples and traditions from the Prophets for addressing mental and emotional distress?
3. A holistic framework for healing based upon prophetic practice and tradition that we can utilize today.
SCN Webinar: Holy Hell: Recognizing, Honoring, and Treating Spiritual Trauma
Leila Anderson, LMFT-S, LCDC, C-DBT
Objectives: -Participants will be able to articulate the differences between healthy engagement with spirituality and spiritually-themed systems of abuse
-Participants will gain an understanding of the signs and symptoms of spiritual abuse and trauma
-Participants will learn and be able to put into practice basic multidisciplinary tools for responding respectfully to spiritual abuse and trauma

Relationships, Mental Health, and the Biblical Approach to Both
By Michael Richter, M.A, LPC- Associate, NCC
Counselor at Starlite Recovery Center and Director of the Journey Program
Increase awareness of the holistic nature of relationships, and how these relationships have an impact on a person's entire well-being. Through raising awareness of the biblical truth associated with healthy relationships and how to approach situations within our lives from a biblical perspective.
SCN Webinar: The Journey of Coming Home: Moving from Disconnection to Connection
Presentation by Sarah Shelton (Gallup) LPC
Owner & Founder of Home Body Counseling, PLLC
1 Hour Continuing Education Credits by the Spiritual Care Network
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
-Understand the ways disconnection may happen
-Recognize the internal and external signs of disconnection
-Discover practices to help re-establish connection, such as reparenting, spiritual practices, and co-regulation
SCN Webinar: Helping Clients Develop Gratitude and Purpose
by Stephen Wright, MA, LCPC, Grace Program Coordinator at Timberline Knolls
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Diane Fasion-Roe
Participants will gain understanding about some of the research related to the benefits of intentionally experiencing gratitude on well-being.
Participants will learn several interventions to help clients experience gratitude.
Participants will participate in experiential learning demonstrating the impact of gratitude, purpose and meaning.
Webinar: “Replenishing Your Soul: Know When to Reassess, Realign & Redefine”
By Helena Washington, M.Ed., LCDC, ICADC, MAC from BraveBird Recovery & Wellness, PLLC
1 Hour Continuing Education Credits by the Spiritual Care Network
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
How to Find The Right Rehab: What Families Have to Know When Their Loved One Needs Rehab
Webinar presentation by Walter Wolf from The Right Rehab, LLC
- Diagnosis: the key to finding the right rehab for an individual.
- The "Best" Rehab does not exist: the "Right" rehab for an individual does.
- Health Insurance: Friend AND Foe
SCN Webinar: What Jesus Says About Toxic Relationships
Presentation by Michéle Arney, PhD., LPC, NBCC
from Resurgence Behavioral Health
1. Increase awareness of the connection between childhood trauma and current relationships
2. Demonstrate a new thought process around toxic relationships
3. Explore what Jesus says about toxic relationships
SCN Webinar
Ethics: Resolving Ethical Issues as a Care Provider during a Pandemic
By David Bueno Martin, MA, LPC-S
Zoom Meeting Hosted by
Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery and Kim Livesay from La Hacienda
SCN Webinar: #iSmileFromMyHeart®️: Just 7 questions to align myself with Peace.-❤
Presentation by Alicia Paz, MD
Master Peace Coach® at the Mi Paz Tu Paz Institute
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Jade McGowen
Three Objectives:
1. Identify: What is the Truth?
2. Distinguish: What is the fundamental for Enjoying Peace?
3. Choose the Proven 3-step Formula for Enjoying Peace, no matter what: #iSmileFromMyHeart®️ ❤
SCN Webinar - Restoration: Pathways to Health, Hope and Recovery
Presentation by Dr Bryan Davis and Kristin C Davis, LMSW, LCDC
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Chad Hampton
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
Hear two professionals talking from a medical and counseling perspective. They will discuss treatment from substance use and mental health disorders and how spirituality can help the recovery process.
SCN Webinar - Spirituality in Recovery - SPIRITUALITY CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR GIFTED
Presentation by Jessica Gibson LPC-S and Russell Gibson
Co-Founder of Counseling and Recovery Guidance
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
1. Examine foundations of spirituality in early recovery
2. Discuss ways to support spiritual growth for persons in recovery
3. Explore personal experiences, biases, and hopes for spirituality in recovery
Transforming the Therapy Process through Horses
By Melanie E. Flint, LCSW, CGP, EAP; Founder & Clinical Director of JEM Wellness & Counseling
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Kim Livesay
I will introduce what Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is and the diagnoses, disorders, challenges and client populations we see most beneficial. We will discover why horses are utilized in this treatment modality, and then I will explain the treatment structure, treatment team roles and share testimonials from those who have engaged in EAP.
SCN Webinar: How Sex and Love Addiction Impacts the LGBTQI Community
Presentation by Joni Ogle, LCSW, CSAT
CEO of Transcend Recovery Community
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite, Jeanne Vandervort from Transcend
and Kim Livesay from La Hacienda
The Art of Spiritual Discernment
Presentation by Lisa Veneralla
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
August 20th at Noon
1 - To acquire tools for discerning difficult decisions
2 - To learn the importance and art of intuitive thinking
3 - Discernment in prayer
SCN Webinar: Understanding the Black Indigenous Experience: Insight into the Past, Present and Future of Behavioral Health
Presentation by Helena Washington, M.Ed., LCDC, ICADC, MAC
Codependency or Love Thy Neighbor
Presentation by Michele V. Arney, PhD., LPC., NBCC from Resurgence Behavioral Health
June 18 2021
The topic of codependency is deep and vast. Codependency is a topic that can be uncomfortable and complicated. Although most families have some level of codependency, very few know how to identify it. The goal for this presentation is for participants to feel empowered, inspired and informed around the difference between loving people and enabling.
SCN Webinar - The Split Soul: Identity, Purpose and Destiny.
Presentation by Claudette Morgan-Scott, Ph.D.
Friday, May 19, Noon - 1:00
by the Spiritual Care Network
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery Center and Hena Hafizullah
Spirituality and Gratitude in Recovery
by Rev Dr Elizabeth Hulford from Timberline Knolls
Summary: This presentation aims to educate and enlighten professionals in the role of spirituality in mental health counseling and recovery. Special emphasis will be placed on the role of gratitude within spirituality and how gratitude as a practice can assist professionals in connecting with their clients and enhancing their recovery experience. The presentation will conclude with an experiential activity meant to connect the professional with an individual experience of gratitude, thus demonstrating the ease and availability of spiritual connection with gratitude in therapeutic practice.
Zoom provided by Starlite Recovery Center
Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
Kim Livesay, LCDC from La Hacienda Treatment Center
Diane Faison-Roe from Timberline Knolls
The Hard Questions They Ask
"If God's so powerful, why won't he fix me?"
"If He's so merciful/good, why did this happen to me?"
by Lee Goff, BA,MBA
Facilities Director at Acendus Behavioral Health
Friday March 19
Post Traumatic Growth
Dr Jason Powers
Chief Medical Officer at Positive Recovery
Recorded February 19, 2021
Dr. Jason ZW Powers, MD, MAPP, is the creator of the Positive Recovery©
approach to treating addiction. In addition he serves as Chief Medical Officer of Positive Recovery Centers. He is a member of the Editorial Board of Addiction Prevention and Treatment Magazine, has had blogs on Huffington Post and Psychology Today, has a private addiction medicine practice in Houston, Texas and works as an interventionist.
Gender Differences in Mental Health
by Kristina Zetlmeisl, LCSW, LCDC
Clinical Director at Serenity Light Recovery
Recorded Jan 22, 2021
Kristina attended the University of Houston, obtaining her undergraduate degree in Psychology and her Masters in Social Work. She is also a LCDC and has been trained in EMDR for both trauma & addiction. Kristina has been a part of the recovery community for over a decade. Her personal struggles with addiction ignited in her a passion to help others. Kristina worked as Serenity Light Recovery's Program Coordinator for 4 years and has been the Clinical Director for 1 year. She has recently added a new addition to her family, baby Max. Kristina has a love for laughter and life and in her free time, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family and loves offshore fishing.
Ethical Considerations in Individualizing Care After SUD Treatment.
By Dan Caldwell, MA, LCDC-CCS, CCTP, NCIP, LPC Associate
Recorded Dec 18, 2020
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Kim Livesay
Dan holds a Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling and is a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor – Certified Clinical Supervisor (LCDC - CCS), Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), Nationally Certified Intervention Professional (NCIP), and a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (LPC Associate), that has worked in the field of addiction recovery for a decade with much of that time spent at one of the local Houston area treatment centers. Along with a Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling from Liberty University, Dan has completed certification courses offered from Yale University and Johns Hopkins University and is currently providing services as an adjunct professor at University of St. Thomas.
“Have you seen my MRI?…I Neeeeeed These Meds for Pain”
- Real-World Help for Treating Addiction Patients with Chronic Pain
Recorded Nov 20
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Kim Livesay
Presentation by Dr Michael Sprintz
Dr. Sprintz is one of an elite tier of physicians who are triple board-certified in Pain Medicine, Addiction Medicine, and Anesthesiology. Having trained at some of the most prestigious institutions in the US, including Johns Hopkins and MD Anderson Cancer Center, along with his unique personal and professional experience, Dr. Sprintz is a subject matter expert in chronic pain and addiction and serves as a consultant to the FDA’s Analgesic and Anesthetic Drug Products Advisory Committee.
Modern day medicine has made the spiritual foundation of 12 step recovery obsolete. Fact or fiction?
by Dr James Boone
October 16, 2020
Hosted by Eric Ayles and Kim Livesay
Dr. James Boone has served at La Hacienda Treatment Center since 2004. He graduated with honors in 1984 from Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, and did his internal medicine internship and residency at Baylor University Medical Center. He earned his board certification in internal medicine in 1987 and began his career in his family’s private practice in Pasadena, Texas. In 2004, he joined Dan Boone in the full-time practice of addiction medicine in Hunt. A member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, he is board certified in addiction medicine.
Story of Hope by Sara Bolton and Judge Bonnie Hellums
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
Join us as we hear the story of Sarah Bolton, her journey to recovery and the judge that helped her get there. The Honorable Judge Bonnie Hellums served over 20 years as the judge of the 247th Family District Court in Harris County. She started a Family Drug Court and Infants and Toddlers court in Harris County. Originally a therapist, she worked hard to attain her law degree, and changed many lives in Houston as a result. Sarah and Judge Bonnie will tell their story of how God brought them together and the journey that began as a result
Sarah Bolton has worked in the addiction field for 4 years in business development and is a mindful art facilitator. She is the founder of Sober Eve, Houston’s only alcohol-free, pop up nightclub for New Year’s Eve. She is also an active member of the local recovery community. Sarah has been a board member of the Spiritual Care Network and an active member of TAAP since entering the industry.
Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit with Biosound® Therapy
Presenters: Rick Gallant CEO Chris Gallant COO
Guest Panelist Christine Brannan M.Ed., LPC, LCDC, owner of Relaxing Rhythm Sound Spa
For over ten years Biosound Technologies has served Addiction Treatment and Mental Health Professionals in helping patients cope with stress, depression, anxiety and many other symptoms.
Biosound Technologies is honored to have been invited to introduce this technology to the critical and important work that the Spiritual Care Network of professionals is providing to their communities.
Zoom Sponsored by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery Center
Hosted by Kim Livesay from La Hacienda
Jamie McKibben from Life Giving Life
Bridging the Gap Between Mental Health and Faith
Friday Sept 4th
Self Balance and Worship Time
Inspirational Words by Pastor Michael Head
Worship Music Led by Lisa Veneralla from Lakeview Health
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
The Problem of the Plague
by Dr Paul Looney, teaching pastor at the Woodlands Church
Recorded Friday, Aug 21
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
The Bible is full of examples of people who overcome difficult situations. Some are traumatized by their situation (PTSD) and others are resilient (PTG). Dr. Paul Looney's wisdom of Biblical principle as a pastor, and clinical insight as a psychiatrist, will lead him in discussing the different outcomes that life challenges (like COVID-19) can have on individuals and society, and how we can help others navigate.
"How to make stress your friend" Kelly McGonigal on ted.com
Mind Over Medicine - Lissa Rankin (also on ted.com)
The Happiness Hypothesis - Jonathan Haight
The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk, MD
Redirect - the surprising new science of psychological change - Timothy Wilson, PhD

How Not to be a "Snake-Oil Salesman": Marketing Ethics by Brooke Martin
Recorded Friday, Aug 7, Noon - 1:00
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
Ethical marketing is imperative, especially in the mental health and substance abuse industry. According to the Ethical Standards for Counselors, Social Workers and other licensed professionals in the mental health and substance abuse field, the ethical presentation of abilities and scope of practice is essential. Brooke Martin has over 25 years of experience in corporate marketing in the industry and believes that every business has its own unique story to be found, and that story can be the key to successful marketing. Join Brooke to learn the history of healthcare marketing and how to find your story, as well as Biblical principles to guide and motivate you.
Addiction from an ER Physician's Perspective: Clinical and Spiritual Insight
by Jake Mumm MD, Medical Director of Olive Branch Recovery
Free 1 Hour CEU coordinated by Brooke Martin PR
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
Recorded July 24, 2020
As an ER Physician and a man of faith, Dr. Jake Mumm has seen many of the worst moments in people's lives, including addiction crises in patients and their families. His perspective led him to take action. During this presentation he will share his observation and insights, as well as clinical information about addiction.

Webinar Topic: Socially Distant, but Spiritually Deep: Nurturing the Anxious Soul Through Uncertainty
Presentation By Carrie Breedlove, MS, LPC, CRC
Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery Center
Recorded: Apr 17, 2020 11:34 AM
Zoom Meeting Recording:
Webinar Topic:
Dealing with Grief from Unexpected Loss and Disappointment
by David Bueno Martin, MA, LPC-S
From Martin Counseling
Friday, June 5, Noon - 1:00
Free 1 Hour CEU coordinated by Brooke Martin
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
Keeping Mental Health Professionals and Spiritual Leaders Healthy in Mind, Body and Soul
Self Balance and Worship Time
Recorded on Friday, May 15
Inspirational Words by Speaker/Author Chris Padgett
Worship Music Led by Lisa Veneralla from Lakeview Health
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery

Spiritual Perspectives in Personality Functioning
by Vaughn M. Bryant, III, PhD, LMFT-S, LPC-S, LCDC-CCS
Recorded on Friday, June 19, Noon - 1:00
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery
Summary of Workshop: The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5) provides an alternative model for understanding personality functioning and personality disorders. Sacred texts also provide descriptions of personality virtues and vices that have similarity to traits presented in the DSM-5. This presentation will examine the concept of personality functioning in the DSM-5 with the concept of vice and virtue in sacred text to construct an integration of mental healthcare and spiritual care for the treatment of impaired personality functioning.
Bio: . Dr. Vaughn M. Bryant, III is a Mental Health Specialist at J. Flowers Health Institute in Houston, Texas. The J. Flowers Health Institute specializes in comprehensive diagnostic evaluations and concierge wellness programs. Dr. Bryant is licensed by the Texas Department of State Health Services as a Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT-S), Professional Counselor (LPC-S) and Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC-CCS). He also holds Approved Supervisor status on all three of those professional license boards. His career has included three decades of clinical service, clinical education and executive management experience in large corporate healthcare settings, substance use disorder treatment centers, a large military hospital, clinical pastoral care and as a professor in higher education.
Presentation and Handout

Bridging the Gap Between Mental Health and Faith
Self Balance and Worship Time
Inspirational Words by Nicole Goodman from Black Pearl Blue Hope
Worship Music Led by Lisa Veneralla from Lakeview Health
Zoom Meeting Hosted by Eric Ayles from Starlite Recovery