The Spiritual Care Network is a 501c3 charity so your donations are tax deductible; EIN: 83-2871559. Your donation will contribute to these causes:
- Help start new chapters to reach more professionals and faith leaders
- Enable us to host educational conferences on mental health and addiction
- Create resources to connect people in need to healthcare providers and charities
- Help with administrative costs including technology, speaker stipends. travel and staff
Memorial for Dr Susan Foster Howell
November 05, 1945 - December 09, 2018
Susan Foster Howell PhD was an adjunct professor at the University of Oklahoma and an educator for school districts in Oklahoma. Like many people, depression and mental illness doesn't discriminate on career success, race, education or wealth. As Dr Howell battled illness in her final years, her depression increased and peaked after the death of her beloved husband and caretaker.
Her daughters Jody Foster and Jennifer Culbreth made a donation to the Spiritual Care Network for startup costs associated with registering SCN as a non profit. They hope by supporting this organization that more people will be helped by strengthening the knowledge of healthcare professionals and faith leaders.