Bridging the gap between mental health providers, addiction recovery professionals and the faith community through collaboration and education.
Our goal is to encourage, educate, enlighten and empower faith leaders and mental health professionals to play a part in mental wellness and addiction recovery in their communities. We strive to build trusted relationships with providers of these services in order to encourage the incorporation of spirituality into all levels of treatment. We are a collaborative and inclusive group regarding spiritual beliefs and denominations as well as treatment modalities and therapeutic programs.
“Where there is no guidance the people fall,
But in abundance of counselors there is victory”
-Proverbs 11:14 NAS​
So often people sitting next to us in a pew, working in the next desk or living next door are struggling. Depression, addiction, trauma affect so many people in our society, but few get help. No matter if we are lay leaders, clergy, or mental health professionals, if we don’t reach out to help, there is a chance of suicide, overdose, or other harmful results.
For those that seek help from faith leaders, there is often a lack of knowledge about resources. For people that find a counselor or therapy program, spiritually is often missing with God left out of the healing process.
About In Person
Networking Meetings
The Spiritual Care Network was founded in March 2012 and is an integration of the spiritual, therapeutic, mental health and recovery communities. The Spiritual Care Network meetings bring together professionals and faith leaders and the attendees are a diverse group from a variety of backgrounds and denominations. Meetings often have great speakers, time to network, and announcements about other industry events. Please invite your colleagues and bring cards and marketing materials.
Lunches are provided by our generous sponsors. Hosting lunch is a great way to introduce services to the industry and build relationships in the community. Sponsors get extra time during the meeting to present services and promoted on email blasts and social media. If you are interested in supporting a meeting, please contact the leader in your area.
About Professional Education
The Spiritual Care Network offers professional education opportunities by webinars, in person meetings and conferences. Topics are related to mental health and often have a spiritual component to the presentation. Some of the conferences include people in the community to participate and learn. We are blessed with industry experts and faith leaders that provide excellent presentations and workshops. The SCN provides Continuing Education Credit that is recognized by most state boards for counselors, social workers and peer support coaches.